[ PARTNERS ] Educational Partners
ReBoot: The Guardian Code is partnering with organizations and companies that inspire students from all background to code.

[ PARTNERS ] About Green Mouse Academy
Green Mouse Academy (GMA), based in West Palm Beach, Florida and founded in 2004, works with students of all ages, developing and delivering technology enrichment discovery programs through schools, camps, after-school programs, and other organizational partners. GMA has been a consultant and content development partner for AlphaBEST Education since 2010. Learn more about Green Mouse Academy at www.greenmouseacademy.com
[ PARTNERS ] About AlphaBEST Education
AlphaBEST Education is a leading provider of before and after school enrichment-based programming, currently serving 25,000+ students across 11 states. With a curriculum crafted around in-demand subjects such as STEM, world languages, visual arts, the Maker movement, and fitness and wellness, AlphaBEST’s curriculum is designed to keep students learning in a fun, hands-on way. For more information, visit www.alphabest.org

Are you an educator, school, club or organization? For partner inquiries or more information, please submit your request today.